May Sheng

Meet May Sheng, a dedicated Registered Massage Therapist recognized by the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (CMTO). With a wealth of experience garnered from esteemed healthcare centers, May possesses a profound understanding of CMTO-prescribed subjects and excels in a diverse array of massage techniques. From addressing muscular tightness and trigger points to tackling fascial restrictions and joint hypermobility, May's expertise extends far and wide.

Drawing from her knowledge of Chinese massage techniques such as acupressure, tuina, cupping, and gua sha, May offers a holistic approach to wellness. Her mastery doesn't stop there – she is also an authority in beauty and wellness practices.

Specializing in targeted issues like stiff necks, tennis elbow, and chronic wrist injuries, May crafts personalized treatment plans tailored to each client's unique needs. Whether it's acute ankle sprains, shoulder discomfort, or lower back pain, May is committed to delivering effective pain relief and facilitating a return to normalcy.

Driven by a genuine passion for her craft, May finds profound fulfillment in aiding a diverse clientele. Her dedication extends beyond the treatment room; she remains steadfast in her pursuit of knowledge, ensuring she stays abreast of the latest developments in healthcare to better serve her clients.

Language is no barrier for May, who fluently provides services in both Mandarin and English, ensuring every visitor receives compassionate and patient-centered care. Experience the difference with May Sheng – where expertise meets empathy for a truly transformative wellness journey.