Justin Shin

Justin is a dedicated health and wellness professional who is passionate about helping others reach their full potential through working on their inner-self. He believes that by improving one's mental and physical health, individuals can enhance all areas of their life.

Growing up, Justin was always active who was heavily involved in a variety of sports. As he grew older, his passion for staying active continued, but he began to focus more on training, nutrition, meditation, yoga, and overall well-being. Falling in love with all aspects of health and wellness, Justin knew that he wanted to share his passion and knowledge with others.

Justin completed his Bachelor’s of Commerce in Management Economics and Finance from Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics in 2020. In 2017, during his university years, he began personal training and discovered that his true passion was in the fitness and wellness space. With his degree completed and a few years of personal training experience, Justin found his calling with Mind Body Flow, combining his passion and knowledge of business and fitness to ultimately serve others.

At Mind Body Flow, the team emphasizes the importance of self-care and how working on oneself is the most selfless act one can do. Justin believes that by taking care of ourselves, we can give more to others and spread positive energy to the world. The business provides individualized resources and custom plans to help clients achieve their goals and enhance their mental and physical well-being.

With a strong dedication to improving the lives of others, Justin is committed to helping clients become the best version of themselves and reach their full potential. If you are interested in working with Justin on a personal level to achieve your fitness goals, click the button below to apply. He’ll be in contact afterwards.