Adriana Peña

Adriana Peña is a registered massage therapist with 10 years of experience, who is dedicated to providing client-focused treatments and ongoing learning. Her mission is to educate people about the importance of the mind-body connection and help them regain balance in their lives through various techniques such as massage, acupuncture, auricular acupuncture, and cupping therapy.

Adriana's specialized treatments for athletes, such as Cupping for Deep Tissue and Joint Mobilization, Reiki, Hindi Head Massage, and Cráneo Acupunture for stress, make her an excellent therapist for anyone looking for customized treatment options. Additionally, she provides Lymphatic Drainage and Post-Op massage to help clients with their recovery from surgery.

Clients of Adriana report improved overall physical and emotional well-being, better sleep quality, reduced muscle tension and inflammation, and feeling empowered with self-help tools to support optimal health.

In her personal time, Adriana enjoys practicing meditation, swing dancing, listening to good jazz, and taking her cockapoo dog for walks.